Sometimes, when you try to open your car’s hood, it just won’t budge no matter how hard you pull and push. If this happens, don’t give up! There are several reasons why your car might have trouble opening the hood, and each of these issues is easily remedied with the right tools or knowledge. In this article, you will learn how to fix five of the most common reasons why your car won’t open the hood and how to get your vehicle back on the road in no time at all! Today we will discuss about why Car Hood Won't Open

A Broken Latch or Latch Cable

The latch and latch cable work together to keep the hood closed. If the latch and latch cable are broken or missing, then you'll need to get your car's locksmith service on the phone. They can come over with a device that will release the lock for you. 

A jammed car hood is a common occurrence when driving in an area with large rocks or tree branches on the ground.

 If your car hood won't open because of a jammed latch or latch cable, then don’t pull hard on it. This could damage other parts of your vehicle like its engine cover.

A Latch That Didn't Close Properly

In order for the latch to work properly and open the hood of your car you have to make sure that it closes correctly. It might not be as easy as it sounds because many factors can contribute to a jammed car hood. One such factor is an object that gets stuck between the grill and the hood. The best way to get rid of this is by using a rubber mallet or similar object that will allow you remove any kind of debris that could be jamming your latch.


 Another problem that could make your car hood difficult to open is rust. Once you start noticing rust on your latch it's important that you take action fast in order to avoid any more damage. You'll need to polish it until all traces of rust are gone and then coat it with a high-quality wax in order to prevent future corrosion.


Lightly tapping your release handle can also help if it comes off since there is a good chance that dirt got underneath and jammed it.

A Release Handle That Might Have Come Off

One of the most common reasons for a jammed car hood is a release handle that might have come off. This can be due to corrosion or simply not being tightened enough. Regardless of the cause, you will need to take your car to a mechanic for this problem. 

This is a fairly easy fix that should take less than an hour if your mechanic doesn’t have to replace anything. The latch and release handle are pretty low-tech pieces of equipment so it shouldn’t cost you too much to get back in business.