BJJ Academies

Gracie Ohio: The oldest Gracie Jiu-Jitsu academy in Ohio, one of the oldest continuously operating academies outside of Brazil and where Josh currently teaches.  Takeo Yano

Maxercise/Ribeiro Jiu-Jitsu: The current iteration of the legendary Maxercise Jiu-Jitsu academy.  Presently, run by Josh's former Maxercise teammate, John DiSimone.

Balance Studios: A dominant force of East Coast academies led by Relson Gracie Black Belts Phil and Ricardo Migliarese.  Josh spent many years training with the Migliarese brothers.

Gracie Barra - Switzerland: Home of Igor Araujo and his Gracie Barra team. Josh spent three years training at teaching at Igor's academy before earning his Black Belt from the UFC Fighter.

Spear Jiu-Jitsu: Noah Spear's academy in the Philadelphia suburbs. Noah was Josh's training partner at Maxercise and later his instructor at High Level Jiu-Jitsu.

Health and Fitness

Maxwell Strength and Conditioning: Josh spent many years learning Gracie Jiu-Jitsu and Functional Fitness from Steve Maxwell while at Maxercise. Steve is one of the founding fathers of functional fitness and responsible for the massive shift in how people trained for health, fitness and sport over the last 30 years.

Legion Supplements: A sports nutrition company that only utilizes clinically proven ingredients in efficacious dosages.  That may not sound extraordinary, but is incredibly rare in the industry.

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