Creating Web stories can be very easy and fun with the right tools. If you have been thinking of creating your own web series but are not sure where to begin, then this guide on how to make web stories will be useful to you.
It will walk you through all the steps that you need to follow in order to create your own video series and share it with the world!

1) Preparing The Story

The first step in creating web stories is to come up with a story idea. Consider what people might want to read and how it will be structured. For example, if you’re just starting out, short pieces that are structured as a series of questions may work better than a long piece on one topic.
The next step is to outline your story by thinking about the parts and taking note of where they go. Often times this means dividing the content into separate pages or sections on your website such as Meet Our Staff, FAQs, or What We Do.
The final step is to start writing the content! Keep in mind that web stories are often written in plain text and not HTML so they can be easily edited by anyone who has access to your site.

2) Writing A Web Story

Creating Web Stories is not as daunting a task as it may seem. It’s really just like any other form of storytelling, but you have to keep in mind the different mediums and platforms where you’ll be posting your story.

Here Are Some Steps For Getting Started:

1) Define your goal and audience. Who are you writing for? What do they want from this story? What do they need from this story?
2) Create a structure or outline of the story. Brainstorm what themes and images you’ll use to illustrate it. What kind of information will the readers learn about by reading it? Where will the reader start, and how will they know when to stop reading it?
3) Research your topic. Use Google to find sources of information on the subject, then decide which sources best suit your needs.
4) Outline or sketch out ideas using pen and paper before committing them to digital media. You can use the template below to brainstorm various ways that an idea could be visualized online (see template below).
Choose a few of these ideas that you feel would best fit with the goals and needs established in step one.
5) Create text boxes with accompanying images (or videos). Try adding audio as well if desired – don’t forget background music!