Most young people, who are starting out in a relationship, don't realize the full complexity of it. The people dating are getting younger and so far parents haven't done anything to change that. We aren't taught at school how a successful relationship works or how love and relationships affect everything around us. But how can we forget about the 50% of marriages that still end in divorce? At least the good news is that there are answers available that do work to prolong our personal relationships. Let's start to make people more aware of the full complexities of relationships and how we should keep continuing to find more information on improving them and how to make them work successfully while creating a better understanding of ourselves and the other person involved.


The only thing we can instantly recognize to change is ourselves. So even before you embark on another relationship or want to improve love in your current relationship, please seek as much information as you can find or read a book that has been recommended on relationships that explains more about the opposite sex. Don't limit it to just one source of information though, keep your mind open to all sorts and use what is most beneficial to your situation. There is also a lot of free information around if you look hard enough. This includes newsletters you can sign up to on websites that sell eBooks/products, articles, blogs, books, forums and even your local library.


The first thing we need to work on though is our own feelings, fears, insecurities and issues. We need to make a list of what we like, what we need to accept and what we can work on about ourselves before we go analyzing a prospect for a new relationship. Find out what the opposite sex genuinely look for in a long term relationship and remember that only 'you' can make yourself happy, so don't rely on finding a partner just to make you happy. Anything you think you need to work on, write it down and make a conscious decision to improve on it. What's equally important is finding something that we really love to do and do it. If you don't know what that is, make an effort to try and find out. Think of the things you enjoy or things that you have always wanted to do. Our number one mission in life should be our happiness and finding something you love to do is quite hard for some people to find. Once you find love in something outside a relationship, it will be so much easier to create that love in your relationship.


So you can start by finding something that you really love to do. This can include your job, a sport or a hobby. Majority of people stay in a job they hate because they think that they can't get anything better. Life won't seem worth living if we're not happy doing a job that takes up approximately 45 years of your life, so make sure its something that you really enjoy. When we are happier at work, we are also happier when we're at home and in our relationships. Read more on Love and relationships