Python, a well-liked high-level programming language for general-purpose programming, was created by Guido van Rossum and first made available in 1991. Python is an interpreted language with a focus on code readability in its design. For instance, Python employs whitespace indentation to separate code blocks rather than curly brackets or keywords. Python's syntax also allows for more concise notion expression than is achievable with languages like C++ or Java.

The language provides structures that allow for the straightforward expression of both small- and large-scale programs.

Python supports various programming paradigms, including procedural, imperative, functional, and object-oriented programming. It also offers a dynamic type system and automatic memory management. It has a large and comprehensive standard library.

Python code may run on a variety of platforms because it is so well-liked and there are interpreters for many different operating systems. Nearly all Python variant implementations, including CPython, the default implementation, share the community-based development process. The nonprofit Python Software Foundation manages CPython.