Many African American females believe their hair grows slower than other ethnicities. Since our hair is tight and coily, it appears that the hair is growing at a slower pace. Here are a few tips on how African Americans can grow their hair faster.


One of the supplements that I love to use is MSM. Your hair is primarily composed of sulfur and protein (keratin). Adding more sulfur to your body with supplements like Methylsulfonylmethane (MSM), is a way to increase hair growth. Sulfur is known as the "beauty mineral." Not only will this supplement grow your hair faster, but you also will see longer, stronger nails and glowing skin.

Bee Pollen

Bee pollen is another supplement that will help grow your hair faster. Be cautious with bee pollen and before using it make sure you are not allergic to it! If you are allergic, ingestion may result in a severe allergic reaction, including anaphylaxis, and an acute allergic response that may be life threatening. Do not take bee pollen if you are pregnant. Bee pollen has been used to stimulate hair growth because of its rich l-cysteine content. Many have seen one inch of hair growth within three weeks. It has been found that hair effectively grows back because 激光生髮 of pollen. Bee pollen contains calcium and magnesium that help aid hair growth. Bee pollen has several other nutrients including vitamin C that maintains healthy hair, vitamin E and vitamin B3 that benefits and improves scalp circulation, copper, vitamins B5, B6, B12 and iron that strengthens hair and prevents hair loss. Manganese improves hair growth, while potassium promotes circulation and sulfur creates stronger hair.