Shoe polish is a substance used to clean and shine shoes. Its purpose is to keep shoes looking their best by restoring colour and shine to faded or scuffed leather. With so many different types of shoe polish available, it cannot be easy to know which one to choose. This article will explore the pros and cons of wax polish, cream polish, liquid polish, and aerosol polish to help you make an informed decision.

Different Types of Shoe Polish

There are four main types of shoe polish: wax polish, cream polish, liquid polish, and aerosol polish.

Wax Polish

Wax polish is the most traditional type of shoe polish. It comes in a solid form and is applied using a cloth or brush. Wax polish is long-lasting and provides a high shine, making it a popular choice for dress shoes. It also protects leather, helping to prevent it from drying out and cracking. However, the wax polish can be time-consuming and requires buffing to achieve the desired shine. Additionally, removing excess wax polish can be difficult, especially if not done promptly.

Cream Polish

Cream polish is a soft, creamy substance that is easy to apply with a cloth or brush. It is designed to condition leather, keeping it soft and supple. Cream polish is suitable for all leather colours and is a good choice for those who prefer a natural look. However, the cream polish does not shine well and may leave residue on the shoes. It is also less durable than wax polish.

Liquid Polish

Liquid polish is a quick and easy option for those who want to shine their shoes in a hurry. It comes in a bottle with an applicator brush and provides a high shine. Liquid polish can be used on multiple materials, including leather, suede, and synthetic. However, the liquid polish lasts less than wax or cream polish and can darken light-coloured leather. Additionally, it can be messy to use if not applied carefully.

Aerosol Polish

Aerosol polish is convenient for those who want to shine their shoes quickly. It comes in a can and is sprayed directly onto the shoes. The aerosol polish dries quickly, making it easy to control the amount used. However, it can be harsh on leather and is not environmentally friendly. Additionally, aerosol polish can be challenging to find in stores.

Which Type of Shoe Polish is Right for You?

The type of shoe polish that is right for you will depend on several factors, including your shoes, preferences, and lifestyle. If you want a high shine, the wax polish may be the best option. Cream polish may be a better choice if you prefer a natural look. If you want a quick and easy solution, the liquid polish may be the way to go. If you want convenience, the aerosol polish may be the right choice.

How to Properly Apply Shoe Polish

Correctly applying shoe polish will help you achieve the best results:

  1. Clean your shoes thoroughly to remove any dirt or debris.
  2. Use a brush or cloth to remove scuffs or scratches to prepare the shoes' surface.
  3. Apply the polish using a cloth or brush, following the instructions on the product label.

How to Remove Shoe Polish

Removing shoe polish can be necessary if you have applied too much or want to change your type of polish. At most shoe stores, you can buy a commercial cleaner made just for taking off shoe polish. Alternatively, household items such as vinegar, baking soda, and lemon juice can also remove shoe polish.

Tips for Maintaining Your Shoes

Aside from cleaning and polishing them regularly, you can do a few other things to keep your shoes looking good. Store your shoes in a cool, dry place to prevent damage from the elements. Clean your shoes regularly to remove dirt and debris. Finally, protect your shoes from the elements using waterproof spray or storing them in a shoe bag.


In conclusion, each shoe polish type has its own pros and cons. Choosing the correct shoe polish will depend on your preferences, lifestyle, and the type of shoes you have. Proper application and maintenance are also crucial for achieving the best results. Whether you choose to wax, cream, liquid, or aerosol polish, taking care of your shoes will help them look their best for years.


What is the best type of shoe polish? 

  • The best shoe polish will depend on your preferences and the type of shoes you have. If you want a high shine, the wax polish may be the best option. Cream polish may be a better choice if you prefer a natural look. If you want a quick and easy solution, the liquid polish may be the way to go. If you want convenience, the aerosol polish may be the right choice.

Can you use shoe polish on suede shoes? 

  • Yes, you can use shoe polish on suede shoes. However, choosing a specific product designed for suede is essential, as using the wrong type of polish can damage the material.

Why are waterproof trainers essential for trail running? 

  • Waterproof trainers are essential for trail running because they protect your feet from elements like rain, mud, and snow. They also provide excellent traction and stability, crucial for navigating rough terrain and avoiding injuries.

How often should you polish your shoes? 

  • It is recommended to polish your shoes every 2-3 weeks to keep them looking their best. Additionally, it is a good idea to polish them after each use to remove dirt and debris.

Can you use shoe polish on synthetic materials? 

  • Yes, you can use shoe polish on synthetic materials, but choosing a specific product designed for synthetic materials is essential. Using the wrong type of polish can damage the material.

Is it necessary to remove old shoe polish before reapplying? 

  • Yes, it is necessary to remove old shoe polish before reapplying. This will help ensure that the new polish adheres appropriately and provides the best results.

Can shoe insoles help with knee pain?

Yes, shoe insoles can help relieve pressure on your feet, improve your posture, and make your knees feel better.