As a runner or athlete, you understand the importance of having the right gear to help you perform at your best. One of the essential gears you own is your trainers, but did you know how you lace them can also impact your performance and comfort?

In this article, we'll explore the factors that go into lacing your trainers properly, including understanding your foot shape and arch, the science behind different lacing techniques, and how to lace your trainers for maximum comfort and performance.

Understanding your foot shape and arch

The first step in lacing your trainers properly is to understand your foot shape and arch. This information is essential because it will help you determine the proper lacing technique. Three-foot shapes are high arches, flat feet, and neutral arches.

  • High arches: If you have high arches, your feet will tend to roll inward when you run, which can put added pressure on your joints.
  • Flat feet: If you have flat feet, your feet will have little to no arch and tend to flatten out when you stand or run.
  • Neutral arches: If you have neutral arches, your feet will have a moderate arch and will not roll inward or outward when you run.

Knowing the shape and arch of your foot will help you find the best way to tie your shoes for comfort and performance.Clean your shoe with shoe polish.

Different Lacing Techniques for Different Foot Shapes

Once you know your foot shape and arch, you can choose the proper lacing technique. Different lacing techniques are designed to address the specific needs of each foot shape.

  • High arches: If you have high arches, you'll want to use a lacing technique that supports your arch.
  • Flat feet: If you have flat feet, you'll want to use a lacing technique that supports your entire foot.
  • Neutral arches: If you have neutral arches, you can use various lacing techniques, but you'll still want to ensure you have the right amount of support and comfort.

The Science Behind Lacing Techniques

Lacing your trainers properly is not just about comfort; it's also about performance. The proper lacing technique can improve your performance by providing your feet with support and stability. The wrong lacing technique can negatively impact your performance by causing discomfort, instability, and injury.

Several factors can affect the comfort and performance of your lacing, including the tension, the pattern, and the type of lacing technique you use.

The Right Lacing Tension

When it comes to lacing your trainers, the tension of the laces is just as crucial as the laces' pattern. If you are too loose, your feet will slide inside your trainers, causing discomfort and reducing your performance. If it is too tight, your feet will be cramped, reducing circulation and causing discomfort.

The right balance is enough tension to keep your feet in place but not so much that your feet are cramped.

The Right Lacing Pattern

The pattern of your laces is also essential for maximum comfort and performance. Several patterns include straight lacing, criss-cross lacing, and ladder lacing.

  • Straight lacing: This is the most basic lacing pattern and is excellent for those who want a simple lacing technique.
  • Criss-cross lacing: This more advanced lacing pattern provides extra support and stability for your feet.
  • Ladder lacing: This advanced lacing pattern provides extra support and stability, especially for those with high arches.

Your correct lacing pattern will depend on your foot shape, arch, and personal preferences.

The Importance of Lacing Your Trainers Properly

Lacing your trainers properly is essential for maximum comfort and performance. By lacing your trainers properly, you can:

  • Improve your comfort: You can reduce discomfort and prevent blisters by providing the right amount of support and stability to your feet.
  • Improve your performance: By providing the proper support and stability to your feet, you can improve your performance and reduce the risk of injury.
  • Reduce the risk of injury: By providing the proper support and stability to your feet, you can reduce the risk of injury and improve your overall health.

How to Lace Your Trainers for Maximum Comfort and Performance

Lacing your trainers properly is easier than you might think. With the correct information and a little practice, you can lace your trainers for maximum comfort and performance in no time. Here's a step-by-step guide for different foot shapes and lacing techniques:

  • High arches: To lace your trainers for high arches, start by straight-lacing your trainers as usual. Once you reach the top of your trainers, cross the laces over each other and then lace them through the eyelets on the sides of your trainers. This will provide extra support for your arch.
  • Flat feet: To lace your trainers for flat feet, start by straight-lacing your trainers as usual. Once you reach the top of your trainers, cross the laces over each other and then lace them through the eyelets on the sides of your trainers. This will provide extra support for your entire foot.
  • Neutral arches: You can use various techniques to lace your trainers for neutral arches, but we recommend using a criss-cross lacing pattern. This will provide the right amount of support and stability for your feet.

Tips for Making the Most of Your Lacing Technique

Here are a few tips to help you make the most of your lacing technique:

  • Double-knot your laces: This will ensure that your laces stay in place and don't come undone during your run.
  • Try different lacing techniques: Be bold and try different ones to find the one that works best for you.
  • Replace your laces when necessary. If your laces are frayed or worn, replace them to ensure maximum comfort and performance.

Common Mistakes to Avoid When Lacing Your Trainers

Here are a few common mistakes to avoid when lacing your trainers:

  • Over-tightening: Don't lace your trainers too tight, which can cause discomfort and reduce circulation.
  • Not considering foot shape and arch: Make sure you consider your foot shape and arch when choosing a lacing technique.
  • Using the wrong lacing technique: Make sure you use the proper technique for your foot shape and arch to ensure maximum comfort and performance.

Maintenance and Care for Your Trainers

To ensure your trainers are as comfortable and practical as possible, taking care of and maintaining them is essential. Here are a few tips to keep in mind:

  • Keep your trainers clean: Wipe them down after each use and wash them as needed to keep them looking and feeling their best.
  • Replace your trainers when you need to. If your trainers are worn or uncomfortable, you should get a new pair to be comfortable and perform as well as possible.
  • Store your trainers in a cool, dry place to keep them from getting damaged and ensure they last longer.


Lacing your trainers properly is essential for maximum comfort and performance. By understanding your foot shape and arch, choosing the proper lacing technique, and maintaining and caring for your trainers, you can ensure that your feet are comfortable and supported, no matter what kind of workout you're doing. So, take the time to lace your trainers properly and see the difference for yourself!


Can shoe insoles help with knee pain?

  • Yes, shoe insoles can help relieve pressure on your feet, improve your posture, and make your knees feel better.


How often should I replace my trainers?

  • You should replace your trainers every 300 to 500 miles or when they feel worn or uncomfortable.

How do I use the proper lacing technique for my foot shape?

  • Consider your arch type (high, flat, or neutral) and try different lacing methods to find the one that best suits your comfort and performance.

Can lacing affect my running performance?

  • The proper lacing technique can positively affect your running performance by providing your feet with the proper support and stability. In contrast, the wrong technique can negatively impact your performance by causing discomfort and instability.

How tight should I lace my trainers?

  • The right amount of tension for your laces will depend on your foot shape, arch, and personal preferences. You should have enough tension to keep your feet in place but not so much that your feet are cramped.

What is the best lacing pattern for maximum comfort and performance?

  • The best way to tie your shoes for comfort and performance will depend on the shape and arch of your foot and your preferences. A criss-cross lacing pattern is often recommended for neutral arches, while a ladder lacing pattern may be better for those with high arches. Experiment with different lacing patterns to find the one that works best.

Why are waterproof trainers essential for trail running? 

  • Waterproof trainers are essential for trail running because they protect your feet from elements like rain, mud, and snow. They also provide excellent traction and stability, crucial for navigating rough terrain and avoiding injuries.