World Tire Market Report:

Tire fillers market analysis covering the period 2015 to 2040. Covering key filler manufacturers by filler type and detailing tire market drivers, demand, prices and values.To get more news about tire manufacturers, you can visit official website.

Key manufacturers are discussed by filler type. This includes carbon black (furnace, thermal, acetylene and plasma), precipitated silica (standard and highly dispersible), mineral fillers (clay, calcium carbonate, ground coal), recovered carbon black, sustainable fillers (cellulose, lignin), nanofillers, specialist fillers and titanium dioxide. Topics include high-level capacities, industry changes, drivers and developments.
Tire market drivers include tire types, subtypes, megatrends and regional developments. Regional weighted average market pricing is provided and used to estimate market values. Market demand is provided in detail by filler type and region for 2015 to 2040. The potential impact of tire manufacturers' sustainability visions has been modelled to provide guidance on long term demand trends.

Forward market demand and values are derived by combining all the necessary market drivers, including but not limited to: organic growth, regional drivers and technology drivers. The comprehensive analysis system is outlined in the report. Market demand has been validated against real-life usage patterns from a number of different confidential sources. Validation for primary filler types (carbon black and silica) is also done against independent calculations and sources.

Amy Smith, WWF’s director of forests, is at the forefront of her organization’s efforts to address the threats to global forests and support human well-being. A key part of WWF’s strategy is to eliminate one of the largest drivers of deforestation: the irresponsible expansion of agricultural operations. This includes unsustainable practices related to the harvesting of natural rubber.

Smith, who participated in the development and launch of the Roadmap, sees the potential for meaningful impact by the sector through the tire industry-spearheaded Global Platform for Sustainable Natural Rubber (GPSNR).

“Implementing on this Roadmap would mean the sector could make a real contribution to ending deforestation, increasing forest cover, creating decent jobs, establishing sustainable production and consumption systems, and sustaining a healthy ecosystem for generations to come,” she said. “The next step, of course, is to focus on goals, targets and KPIs. Companies will need to show they are making progress against their commitments — that will be critical.”