how to find wifi password on windows 10 : Forgetting or misplacing your Wi-Fi password can be a frustrating experience, especially when you need to connect a new device to your network. Luckily, if you are using a Windows 10 computer that is already connected to the Wi-Fi network, you can easily retrieve the Wi-Fi password without much hassle. In this article, we will provide you with a simple, step-by-step guide on how to find your Wi-Fi password on Windows 10, enabling you to reconnect devices and stay connected effortlessly.

Method 1: Using the Network and Sharing Center

Step 1: Open the Network and Sharing Center Click on the network icon in the taskbar at the bottom right corner of your Windows 10 desktop. From the network panel that appears, select "Open Network & Internet settings." This action will open the Windows Settings menu.

Step 2: Access Network and Sharing Center Within the Windows Settings menu, locate and click on the "Network and Sharing Center" link. It is usually located near the bottom of the menu, under the "Related settings" section.

Step 3: View Wireless Network Properties In the Network and Sharing Center, find the Wi-Fi network you are currently connected to and click on its name. A new window will appear. In this window, click on the "Wireless Properties" button.

Step 4: Retrieve the Wi-Fi password In the Wireless Network Properties window, navigate to the "Security" tab. Under the "Network security key" section, check the box next to "Show characters." The Wi-Fi password will now be visible in the "Network security key" field.

Method 2: Using the Command Prompt

Step 1: Open Command Prompt Press the Windows key on your keyboard and type "Command Prompt" in the search bar. Right-click on the Command Prompt application and select "Run as administrator." This will open the Command Prompt with administrative privileges.

Step 2: Retrieve the Wi-Fi password In the Command Prompt window, type the following command and press Enter:

netsh wlan show profile name="YourNetworkName" key=clear

Replace "YourNetworkName" with the actual name of your Wi-Fi network. Look for the "Key Content" entry in the command output. The value next to it is your Wi-Fi password.

Note: If you have connected to multiple Wi-Fi networks in the past, repeat Step 2 for each network to find the specific password you need.

how to find wifi password on iPhone : By following these straightforward steps, you can easily find your Wi-Fi password on a Windows 10 computer. Remember to keep this information secure and only share it with trusted individuals when necessary. Having quick access to your Wi-Fi password allows you to connect new devices and enjoy uninterrupted internet connectivity in your home or office.