
A hidden but critical part of road maintenance plays a vital role in maintaining smooth and safe driving experiences for residents and visitors alike in the charming town of Worthing. Wheel tracking, also known as rut testing or pavement rutting, is a specialised process that aids in the monitoring and evaluation of road surface performance. This article discusses the significance of wheel tracking in Worthing, its procedure, and how it helps to preserve the town's road infrastructure.

The Value of Wheel Tracking

Worthing, like many other towns and cities, has large traffic loads, which can wear down its roadways over time. Vehicle movement, particularly from heavy commercial traffic and inclement weather, causes the road surface to deform and form ruts or depressions. These ruts can cause motorists to have an uncomfortable ride, diminish road safety, increase vehicle wear and tear, and raise maintenance expenses for local governments.
Engineers and maintenance teams rely on wheel tracking to assess the performance and longevity of road surfaces. It aids in detecting areas of road that are prone to premature damage, allowing for prompt interventions to protect and improve road quality.

The Wheel Tracking Method

Wheel tracking is accomplished by employing specialised equipment outfitted with heavy rollers that imitate the repetitive stress generated by vehicle tyres. The machine is driven along a specific length of road while being subjected to controlled loads and temperatures. The gadget detects the rut depth and tracks the surface's ability to bear the imposed stress as it moves.
The data gathered during the wheel tracking procedure reveals important information on the road's resistance to deformation, also known as rutting resistance. Engineers can then analyse the data to see if the road surface fulfils the appropriate performance standards or if repair and rehabilitation are required.

Wheel Tracking for Road Preservation

Regular wheel tracking analyses enable Worthing authorities to implement preventive maintenance initiatives, extending the life of the road infrastructure. They may address concerns before they become more serious by identifying weak road sections early on, saving both time and money.
Repairs that are completed on time: Local governments can use wheel tracking data to identify locations prone to heavy rutting and undertake immediate repairs. Addressing concerns as soon as possible, whether by resurfacing, crack sealing, or other rehabilitation measures, minimises further deterioration and ensures smoother and safer driving conditions.

Optimal Material Selection: Wheel tracking tests can also help you choose the best road construction materials. Engineers can test different mix designs and materials for rutting resistance, resulting in longer-lasting and more durable road surfaces.
Improved Road Design: Analysing wheel tracking data can also aid in the refinement of road design criteria. Engineers can learn from previous projects and improve road construction procedures to withstand traffic loads, weather conditions, and other environmental elements, resulting in increased road longevity.

Improving Safety: Smooth roads improve road safety greatly. Worthing can lessen the likelihood of accidents due to uneven pavement and unstable driving conditions by adopting wheel tracking to maintain well-preserved road surfaces.

Cost-Effective Solutions: Using wheel tracking to take a proactive approach to road maintenance can save money in the long term. In most cases, preventive maintenance is less expensive than extensive repairs or entire road reconstruction.


The simple procedure of wheel tracking is critical to the preservation of Worthing's road infrastructure. Local governments can take proactive efforts to mitigate vulnerabilities, extend road lifespans, and create smoother and safer driving experiences for everyone by systematically measuring the rutting resistance of road surfaces.
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Wheel tracking remains a vital tool in maintaining Worthing's roads and sustaining the town's commitment to efficient transport and road safety as traffic volumes increase and climatic patterns change. Worthing can ensure a future of well-preserved roadways for future generations by investing in wheel monitoring and embracing the data it provides.