A significant worldwide water shortage, over consumption, and climate change have all been identified in a UN report as "immediate threats" brought on by the lack of water.

According to the research, humanity is traveling on a "perilous journey of excessive consumption and overdevelopment."

This document is released in advance of the significant United Nations Water Summit, the first of its type since 1977.

The three-day meeting, which will start on Wednesday in New York, will draw thousands of representatives.

Water is "the lifeblood of humanity," according to United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, but it is being wasted because of "unrestrained water use, pollution, and uncontrolled global warming."


A warning has been given in the report co-published by the United Nations and UNESCO that because of excessive use and pollution, "to global warming.local shortages are increasing," while regions that are already water-stressed would see an increase in scarcity due to

The report's principal author, Richard Conner, estimated that 10% of the world's population currently lives in regions with "high or severe water stress."

According to him, 3.5 billion people worldwide go through at least one month of water stress each year, as he told the BBC.

Almost half of the world's population currently experiences significant water scarcity at least once a year, according to the most recent United Nations Water and Climate Report, which was released by an IPCC expert panel on Monday.


According to Mr. Conner, there are more uncertainty regarding the world's water supply.

There will surely be a global crisis, he added, if we don't find a solution.

According to Usha Rao-Monari, Associate Administrator of UNDP, managing resources would need to be done with more caution in the future.

There is enough water on the earth, she continued, if we manage it more effectively than we have in recent years.

I think we'll need to investigate alternative financial, governance, and water use and reuse models. I believe that how we handle the water industry will be significantly influenced by innovation and technology. the usage of water

Around 100 ministers and a dozen heads of state and government will attend the summit, which is being co-hosted by the governments of Tajikistan and the Netherlands. In all, there will be about 6,500 attendees.