Being kind to each other is an important part of a good, happy friendship. It means showing your partner respect, understanding, and care. Being nice to our partners shows them that we value and love them just the way they are. Truth, honor, and kindness are what love is built on. You can't take out all of your anger on your partner. That is not fair at all. duck life
Kindness can be shown in many ways, such as by doing something important for someone, listening to them without judging, or just thanking them for what they do. Don't forget that being kind isn't just about big acts; it's also about little things we do every day that show we love and care. Don't forget the little things that make your partner happy. Give them small gifts and be thankful for your health. 
Being kind to others in our relationships can make them a better place to grow love, trust, and mutual respect. People will be better when they are in love.