The art of selling by helping.

How are your sales going? The same or less... So why not sell more? A classic answer to this question is: I dont like selling or pushing, Im a doctor, not a salesman.

The art of selling

People have misconceptions about selling. The original meaning of "selling" was "giving". Later, it took on the negative meaning of "cheating" or "betraying". Although today it is defined as "persuading" many successful people prefer to think of selling as helping.

What do the best sales professionals do that others dont? What is it about them that makes their customers want to buy from them?

Selling has nothing to do with special techniques or "magic". Not is it true that salespeople are "born".

You can sell and feel comfortable doing so. We need to keep these three "secrets" in mind.

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1) The art of selling begins with recognizing the desires of your customers.

In today s market conditions, the customer does not buy what he needs; he buys what he wants. Desire is much stronger than need in a market where choice becomes your biggest barrier.

The challenge in selling is to discover what can trigger an impulse or an unbearable desire to make a buying decision in your favor. Success in selling your product or service depends on your ability to make the customer want to buy from you and not from someone else. The first thing a customer buys is trust. He buys trust because you have the ability and desire to help him solve a problem. If he doesnt trust you and doesnt feel confident in what you say, he will find what he is looking for elsewhere.

Your challenge is to demonstrate at the beginning of the appointment that you care more about him and not about his money.

2) Buying decisions are emotional, not logical.

Consider all your arguments about why your customers should buy a particular product or service. No matter how good or how strong your arguments are, other salespeople are probably using the same argument (your competition).

Most salespeople work with the customer in a superficial zone; the zone of logic. They dont understand that people dont buy based on logic. Buying is always more emotional than logical. This, using logical arguments does not usually trigger a desire. Arguments only trigger "thoughts" or counter-arguments. Customers want to feel as if they are making the right decision. To make them feel confident, they need conviction.

3) The most important selling quality is curiosity.

Everyone has heard that a good salesperson has to be convinced about his or her product, enthusiastic, persistent, caring, honest, passionate, dedicated, and must be able to listen as well. All these qualities are undoubtedly necessary to be successful. But one quality surpasses all others in importance: "curiosity".

Great salespeople are curious; they are interested. They want to know more about their customers, their needs, personal desires, fears, and concerns.

They also want to know all about their past and their bad experiences with similar products or services.

Great salespeople do not try to bombard the customer with arguments. They try to find out three things: "Who is this person I am dealing with?" "What are their problems, concerns, likes, and dislikes?" and "What are their desires, concerns, or fears regarding my product and service?"

Remember this truth: the more you know, the more you sell. Its not "the more I talk, the more I sell". 

Consider this: the average salesperson asks five to eight questions before they start talking and discussing their product. Successful salespeople reveal that they ask 25 to 40 questions before presenting their product or service. Their questions show that they are genuinely interested in their customers.

Once you adopt an attitude of genuine curiosity, you will see a big change in your profession as well as in your life. You will soon realize that a person will achieve success when he or she gives importance to others.