Start a candle making business from home and become part of a very successful and profitable industry. Making candles is simple and fun and is easily done at home. Find out why a candle making Silicone Candle Molds business may be the perfect way to earn income at home.

Candles are a huge and growing industry

Between 70 and 80 percent of U.S. households use candles. Candles are consumable products that customers keep buying. According to the National Candle Association retail sales of candles in the U.S. is worth about $2 billion annually. There is a big move towards natural, handmade products as consumers become more discerning about how their products are made and look for something special and unique.

Low start up costs for a candle making business

Your first candle making supplies - wax, wicks, molds, dyes and fragrances - can be purchased for a couple of hundred dollars. Other equipment you will need includesa thermometer, measuring equipment and a double boiler. Purchasing your candle making supplies is easy. There are many internet sites that offer supplies as well as local craft supply stores.

Making candles at home is a relatively simple process

Learning how to make your handmade candles is simply a matter of doing it and practicing until you master the method that works best for you. If you are creative and are able to come up with original and interesting candle making ideas you will be able to make and offer a unique and special product to customers. Patience and attention to detail are important to ensure safety and a high quality end product.