fishing rod rackFishing is an amazing activity that involves patience, skill and equipment. However, one crucial aspect of fishing that is often overlooked is the storage of your fishing rods. If they are not stored properly, your high-quality fishing rods can easily get damaged, resulting in an increased cost in repairs or, worse, the need to replace them altogether. This is where a fishing rod rack comes in handy. A fishing rod rack is a simple and efficient way to store your fishing rods, preventing them from getting damaged, tangled or lost. A good quality fishing rod rack will keep your fishing gear organized, easily accessible and ready for your next fishing trip. In this article, we will highlight 5 DIY fishing rod rack ideas that you can easily implement in your garage. 1. PVC Pipe Fishing Rod Rack One of the most cost-effective and easy-to-build DIY fishing rod racks is made from PVC pipes. These pipes are widely available and are easy to work with. If you have a few basic tools, you can easily build yourself a PVC fishing rod rack in a matter of hours. To make a PVC fishing rod rack, you will need the following materials: - PVC pipes - PVC elbows - PVC adhesive - Wood screws - A saw Step 1: Cut the PVC pipes to your desired length. The length depends on the number of fishing rods that you want to store. Step 2: Use the PVC elbows to connect the pipes together. Step 3: Apply PVC adhesive to the joints to secure them. Step 4: Use wood screws to mount the rack onto a wall. 2. Wooden Fishing Rod Rack If you prefer a more traditional look, a wooden fishing rod rack is an excellent option. A wooden fishing rod rack can add a touch of elegance to your garage and can be easily customized to suit your personal taste. To make a wooden fishing rod rack, you will need the following materials: - Wood planks - A saw - Wood glue - Screws Step 1: Cut the wood planks to your desired length. Step 2: Glue the wood planks together to form the base of the rack. Step 3: Use wood screws to attach additional planks vertically to hold the fishing rods upright. Step 4: Sand and paint the rack to your desired finish. 3. Magnetic Fishing Rod Rack If you have limited space in your garage, a magnetic fishing rod rack is an excellent option. This space-saving option allows your fishing rods to be mounted on the wall without taking up any floor space. To make a magnetic fishing rod rack, you will need the following materials: - Magnetic knife holder - Screws - Drill Step 1: Drill holes into the magnetic knife holder. Step 2: Secure the holder onto the wall using screws. Step 3: Place the fishing rods on the magnetic holder, making sure they are securely held in place. 4. Wire Fishing Rod Rack A wire fishing rod rack is another easy-to-build DIY option. This rack can be easily customized to hold any number of fishing rods and can be built from readily available materials. To make a wire fishing rod rack, you will need the following materials: - Wire mesh panels - Zip ties - Pliers - Drill Step 1: Cut the wire mesh panels to your desired length. Step 2: Use zip ties to secure the panels together. Step 3: Drill holes in the wire mesh to attach it to the wall. Step 4: Hang the fishing rods on the wire mesh, making sure they are securely held in place. 5. Wall-Mounted Fishing Rod Rack If you have limited floor space in your garage, a wall-mounted fishing rod rack is an excellent choice. This type of fishing rod rack is mounted onto the wall, allowing you to store your fishing rods vertically. To make a wall-mounted fishing rod rack, you will need the following materials: - A wooden board - Screws - Hooks Step 1: Cut the wooden board to your desired length. Step 2: Mount the board onto the wall using screws. Step 3: Attach hooks onto the board to hold the fishing rods. Final Thoughts In summary, a fishing rod rack is a crucial aspect of any angler's gear storage solution. All of the DIY fishing rod racks mentioned above are customizable, space-saving, and cost-effective options that will keep your fishing rods organized and safe. Try one of these DIY projects today and secure your fishing rods for your next fishing trip.
