SuperITC delivers low-level, device-specific optimizations for quantum programs on Cirq or Qiskit open-source frontends. Its noise mitigation techniques and decoupling methods enable 10x performance gains on standard benchmarks.

Making introductions is more than just a job; it’s a lifestyle. Built for ease and efficiency, UpHabit introduces people who matter to each other.


The platform offers a variety of investment opportunities including an opportunity to invest in an intermodal terminal company. This is a new and exciting infrastructure sub-sector and will help unlock the full benefits of Australia’s national rail freight network.

Investors can also purchase a short-term note with a target annual return of 10% on the Supervest marketplace, which gives them access to non-stock market correlated alternative investments. This enables retail investors to add diversification and passive income to their portfolios.

Super Capital accompagne les entreprises innovantes dans leur financement, qu’il soit pour une levee de fonds d’investissement en capital avec sa communauté d’business angels, ou à la manière d’un financement non-dilutive avec ses partenaires bancaires. It also helps them to grow their business and prepare for the next stage of their development with its 360° accompagnement de startups.


SuperITC does not have any Institutional or Angel investors. See how much funding its competitors have raised.

A new freight hub on the outskirts of Melbourne will be the first independently owned terminal operated by superitc, a company that is wholly owned by industry super fund Aware Super. The Somerton terminal will be a "catalyst" for moving freight off trucks and onto rail, the pension fund says. It will include warehouses and a maintenance facility for Kraft/Linfox, Coles and Labelmakers Group containers.