Introduction : In the academic realm, proper citation is an essential skill that every student and researcher must master. The Modern Language Association (MLA) style is widely used for citing sources in humanities disciplines. This article will delve into the intricacies of MLA citation, focusing on how to cite a standard book, how to cite a translated book, and the nuances of online book citations.

how to cite book mla : When citing a standard book in MLA format, the following elements should be included:

  1. Author's name: Last name, First name.
  2. Title of the Book: Italicized.
  3. Publisher: Include the name of the publisher.
  4. Publication Year: Place the year of publication.
  5. Medium of Publication: Specify whether it is print or another medium.

Example: Smith, John. The Art of Writing. Random House, 2020. Print.

how to cite translated book mla : If you are citing a translated book, you need to provide information not only about the original work but also about the translator. Here's how you can cite a translated book in MLA format:

  1. Author's name: Last name, First name.
  2. Title of the Original Book: Italicized.
  3. Translated by: Followed by the translator's name.
  4. Title of the Translated Book: Italicized.
  5. Publisher: Include the name of the publisher.
  6. Publication Year: Place the year of publication.
  7. Medium of Publication: Specify whether it is print or another medium.

Example: Dostoevsky, Fyodor. Crime and Punishment. Translated by Constance Garnett, Vintage Books, 1993. Print.

Online Book Citation in MLA: With the advent of digital resources, citing online books in MLA has become a common practice. When citing an online book, include the following elements:

  1. Author's name: Last name, First name.
  2. Title of the Book: Italicized.
  3. Name of the Website or Database: Italicized.
  4. Publisher or Sponsor of the Website or Database: If available.
  5. Publication Year: If available.
  6. URL: Provide the direct URL to the book.

Example: Jones, Mary. Digital Literacy in the 21st Century. eBooks Online, Oxford University Press, 2018, . Accessed 15 Oct. 2023.

Conclusion : Mastering the art of online book citation is crucial for academic success. Whether you are citing a standard book, a translated work, or an online resource, attention to detail is key. Always adhere to the specific guidelines provided by the MLA style, and remember that consistency is paramount. As the academic landscape continues to evolve, staying informed about the latest updates in citation styles will ensure that your work is not only academically sound but also a testament to your commitment to scholarly integrity.