Cream hn adalah krim kehidupan yang bersisi kulit wanita Indonesia. Some of the faktor yang membuat kulit wanita itu adalah pigmentasi, polusi udara dan flek hitam.


Dengan menyerukan krim ini, kamu dapat memutih kulitnya dalam membuat masker pemutih wajah yang berbasis di hampir seluruh bahan-bahan alami. Bahan tersebut adalah teh hijau, chamomile, delima atau ekstrak licorice.


  1. Cleansing


Cleansing is the first step in your skin care routine, and you want to do it gently. In a world of foaming cleansers that often use harsh ingredients, cream face cleansers offer a gentle and hydrating alternative. They also demonstrate that effective cleansing doesn’t have to involve soap.


Cream cleansers are a good choice for dry skin because they don’t contain any drying additives. They also tend to have a soft texture that feels pleasant on the skin and doesn’t strip it of its natural oils.


For combination skin, it’s important to find a cleanser that strikes a delicate balance. It needs to be gentle enough to not dry out the cheeks, but effective enough to keep oil under control in the T-zone. Cream cleansers often feature hydrating ingredients, like peach or jojoba oil, which help hydrate the dry areas while still cleaning them thoroughly.


Before you buy any cosmetics or skincare products, make sure that they have a BPOM (Bahan Penyelidikan Olahraga) certification. This will ensure that the product has been tested and found safe to use.


  1. Exfoliation


Exfoliation removes dead skin cells and unclogs pores. This allows other products like serums and moisturizers to penetrate more effectively. You'll notice smoother and softer skin, and makeup will look better on the face as well.


In young healthy skin, the body naturally sheds dead cells every 28 days. But as we get older, that process slows down, causing dry, flaky and dull skin. When the dead skin cells build up on the surface of the skin it creates the perfect environment for bacteria to thrive and lead to breakouts.


Chemical exfoliants such as salicylic acid, glycolic acid and lactic acid are gentler than physical exfoliants. If you choose to use a chemical exfoliant, start with the lowest concentration possible. You can gradually increase the concentration as your skin gets used to it. For more details you should visit cream hn 


Physical exfoliants include scrubs made with ingredients such as bamboo extract, rice powder, jojoba beads and Icelandic volcanic sand. The scrub is massaged into the skin in gentle circular motions, starting at the feet and working your way up the body.


  1. Moisturize


Moisturizers combine hydrating, nourishing ingredients that support your skin's natural barrier and guard against irritation and water loss. Any lotion, cream emulsion, ointment, or balm formulated with emollients to keep your face hydrated qualifies as a face moisturizer.


Using a gel moisturizer is a great option for people with oily skin. It is more quickly absorbed than a thicker cream or ointment, and it also doesn't have that greasy feel that some other types of moisturizers can have.


Look for a moisturizing product that contains the ingredient that's safe for your skin type. For example, if you have sensitive skin, try a face moisturizer that's formulated with chamomile, delima, or licorice extract. You should also avoid products containing oils that can trigger an allergic reaction, like jojoba oil.


  1. Toning


As the second step in your morning and evening skincare ritual, toner serves as a primer for the serums and moisturizers that follow. It also helps your skin absorb those products better, making them more effective.


Toners can also control excess sebum (oil) production, preventing your complexion from looking greasy and shiny. They can also help shrink pores and clear away dead skin cells. And because many of today's best toners skip alcohol, they're more nourishing than ever and designed to fit any skin type or concern.


According to Zeichner, this rose-petal-infused toner is "a soothing, hydrating powerhouse with astringent properties that can help balance greasy skin." It's also formulated with hyaluronic acid and antioxidants—which are considered supercharged hydrators and brighteners.


  1. Sunscreen


Sunscreen is a key product employed as photoprotectants against the harmful effects of UV rays on the skin. Regular use of sunscreen reduces the risk of sunburn, melanoma and squamous cell carcinoma. It also prevents wrinkling, blotchiness, pigmentation disorders, and helps the skin to retain its natural radiance.


Sunblocks are available in a variety of formulation types; gels, lotions, light ointments and sprays. Formulation experts choose organic and inorganic ingredients to formulate a continuous film on the skin that provides protection against UV rays. They evaluate the physicochemical and performance attributes of their products with the help of design of experiment tools (DoE).