

War can leave deep wounds, artist Adrian Hill, who documented the horrors of World War I, understood this very well. He coined a viable tool for healing in 1942: art therapy. For him the process of producing art wasn't merely a distraction; rather, a way to cope with the disturbing events he witnessed, it further accelerated his recovery from tuberculosis. Hill's experience paved the way for the conceptualization of modern art therapy, a field that continues to explore art’s benefits for physical and mental well-being.  


Recent empirical research suggests a particularly useful and fairly needed application: leveraging art therapy to improve sleep quality and treat insomnia. Through active engagement in creative expressions, individuals can find comfort, unwind, and ultimately, land in a calm frame of mind conducive to restful sleep.  This article will delve into how art therapy offers a unique approach to enhancing our nightly rest. 


What is Art Therapy ? 

Art Therapy stands as a notable mental health profession, leveraging the art making process as a therapeutic aid. Art based Therapy merges psychological theories, principles and axioms with artistic expressions to address emotional, physical, and cognitive needs. Trained in both art and psychotherapy, art therapists assist and guide people in the process of creating art leveraging an array of media, including collage, paint by numbers kits, drawing, and sculpture. These art forms can be used in individual or group settings, with applications for diverse populations and concerns.


Therapeutic Basis Of Art Based Therapy 


Through free, unrestricted self-expression via art mediums, individuals can tap into emotions, memories, and subconscious materials. Therapists derive insights from clients' artworks, facilitating discussion, introspection, and  guiding the process of element interpretation. Thus, nurturing self-awareness, emotional regulation, and problem-solving skills. 


The non-verbal nature of artistic expressions allows for a visceral type of  exploration and communication, tapping into suppressed materials that can be extremely hard to articulate in traditional dialogue therapy, making it especially effective for those who struggle with verbal expression.



Types of Art Therapy 


  • Visual Arts Therapy: This type is conducted through the use of traditional art materials like paints, pencils, and clay to explore emotions and experiences visually.
  • Mandala Therapy: Meditatively producing circular patterns (mandalas) fosters focus, meditation, and inner exploration.
  • Sandtray Therapy: Manipulating sand and miniature objects in a tray allows for symbolic expression and exploration of subconscious materials that can be further examined by the therapists.
  • Digital Art Therapy: leveraging digital gadgets such as tablets and software allows for a contemporary approach to artistic expression.
  • Textile Arts Therapy: Working with fabrics, fibers, and yarns can address emotional and sensory needs through texture and manipulation.


How Can Art Therapy Impact Sleep


1.Stress Reduction: The meditative process of producing art be it doodling, sketching, or through painting kits such as ‘abstract paint by numbers’, has the power to facilitate relaxation, decrease stress levels and foster a calm frame of mind conducive to sleep. Peer reviewed research has put forth the conclusion that partaking in creative activities lowers cortisol levels—a hormone associated with stress—which leads to the promotion of relaxation and sleep (Monti et al., 2006).


  • Monti, D. A., Peterson, C., Kunkel, E. J. S., Hauck, W. W., Pequignot, E., Rhodes, L., & Brainard, G. C. (2006).Psycho-Oncology, 15(5), 363-373.


2.Emotional regulation: Through the guided use of art therapy techniques, individuals can safely dive into, explore and communicate their feelings in a  non-verbal manner. This procedure can help alleviate disturbing thought patterns and contain pathological conditions such as depression and anxiety, which often lead to sleeping anomalies. Psychological studies conducted by Kaimal and colleagues (2016) suggest that creating art might enhance one's emotional state and overall well-being.


  • Kaimal, G., Ray, K., & Muniz, J. (2016). Reduction of cortisol levels and participants' responses following art making. Art Therapy, 33(2), 74-80.


3.Mindfulness and Relaxation: Akin to meditative practices, art creation opens the space for a frame of mind conducive to mindfulness and present-moment awareness. Thus, individuals who habitually and consistently  practice mindfulness are able to alter the dynamics of their awareness from racing thoughts or anxieties to calm tranquility. Notable studies, such as those by Van Lith et al. (2018), maintain that mindfulness-based art therapy can dramatically improve sleep quality and restfulness by promoting relaxation and reducing rumination.


  • Van Lith, T., Eikelboom, E. M., & Kengen, M. M. (2018). Mindfulness-based art therapy (MBAT) for reducing stress and enhancing mood in oncology patients: A randomized controlled trial. Psycho-Oncology, 27(5), 1220-1226.




4.Cognitive Distraction: the process of making art can be leveraged as a form of cognitive distraction, diverting one’s attention away from intrusive thoughts. People can episodically steer away from their anxieties and enter a state of flow by concentrating on the creative process, which in itself  encourages relaxation and facilitates sleep. According to notable research conducted by Chang et al. (2017) supports the use of distraction techniques, including art therapy, to improve sleep quality in individuals struggling with  insomnia and other sleep anomalies. 


  • Chang, Y. C., Liu, Y. H., Lin, M. F., Lin, Y. J., Tsai, P. S., & Yang, C. M. (2017). The effects of cognitive-behavioral therapy for insomnia on depressive symptoms: A meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics, 86(1), 28-37.


5.Enhanced Self-Expression:  Art therapy offers a viable medium through which individuals can creatively practice and develop self-expression and  exploration of personal narratives and subconscious materials. Via the process of visual depiction of thoughts, feelings, and hidden personality elements, individuals can tap insight about underlying issues contributing to sleep disturbances. After that, therapists and clients can collaborate to interpret, understand, and ultimately address these problems to develop viable coping mechanisms to improve sleep patterns. Peer reviewed research by Oster et al. (2012) demonstrates the effectiveness of art therapy in facilitating self-expression and promoting psychological well-being.


  • Oster, G. D., & Gould, N. F. (2012). Cognitive-behavioral therapy for insomnia in veterans: Therapist manual. Menlo Park, CA: Department of Veterans Affairs, Veterans Health Administration, Office of Research and Development, Health Services Research and Development Service.



In a Nutshell, Art therapy stands as a visceral solution to the amelioration of sleep patterns and overall mental well-being. Through the use of creative, artistic expressions, be it mandala therapy, digital art, or kits such as ‘paint by numbers sunset,’ individuals can reach a state of stress relief, emotional regulation, and clear self-expression, all contributing to better sleep quality.