
Sikkim Manipal University Online And Distance MBA Admission Fee 2023-2024
At the time of admission to SMU Online MBA, the scorecard of qualified candidates is only valid for one year. SMU Online MBA programs can last up to four years and have a minimum duration of two years. All degree exams must be passed within two years of beginning the course. During the course of the program, students will take four semesters of six months each. https://sikkim-manipal-university.distanceeducationcourses.in
Sikkim Manipal University Online And Distance MBA Admission Fee 2023-2024 At the time of admission to SMU Online MBA, the scorecard of qualified candidates is only valid for one year. SMU Online MBA programs can last up to four years and have a minimum duration of two years. All degree exams must be passed within two years of beginning the course. During the course of the program, students will take four semesters of six months each. https://sikkim-manipal-university.distanceeducationcourses.in
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